Sunday, April 27, 2008


I love music and I love how when you listen to different types of music, it can really change your mood. I heard once that "A girl's favorite song can tell a lot about how she is feeling, and that the lyrics of a song is the words she can never say". When people listen to music their emotions can take over. When you really hear the lyrics you get ingrossed in that sound.
I know that when I have the radio pumping in my car, it can make me happier, I also know which artist and which cd to put on for every mood that I am in. I have the rap music like Eminem and Kayne West when I’m in that “I don’t care mood”. I have the Pink and Avril Lavigne music for when I’m into that girls rule kind of mood and I also have the Simple Plan, Good Charlotte music to rock out to.
Music is a big part of everyone’s life and it is something many artists today have taken advantage of because what they sing about really has nothing positive to say. It’s sad to say that now rappers sing about women in derogatory manners and many little kids are following in their ways. The days of mixing good beats with lyrics that makes sense and actually has something to say are diminishing, which is really sad, because I know that everyone has those songs that will always hold a place in your heart for some kind of reason. To me, "Stronger" by Kayne West will always put a smile on my face for the memories it holds behind it.


Everyday I feel like things are getting harder, and theres just nowhere to vent anymore so for this entry I'm going to vent about things have been been bothering me lately =).. 1) The cold weather, it’s late April already.. honestly the cold needs to go
2) How it’s the end of school and we still get tons of homework.. no offense of course =)
3) My phone, and how it keeps breaking
4) My JOB!!!
5) The fact that I work everyday, but I have no money
6) When people say they can eat everything they want and not gain weight… awww poor babies!! Lol
7) Fake smiles and the people who give them
8) People who never drive when you go out
9) Radio stations that play the same songs… and the fact that you can never catch the one you want to hear
10) People who still dress in winter clothes when it’s 70 degrees out, am I the only one to watches the weather when I go out
11) Really studying for a test and doing average
12) How it always decides to rain when I have to go out
13) Girls with perfect hair, it takes me hours to straighten my hair and it still never fully straightens
14) How nothing is ever on television when I have time to actually watch it
15) Hate having to complain about stupid things

Hehehe thanks for listening though =)

Monday, April 21, 2008


Passion is a word with so many definitions. Lately the idea of passion has come up a lot. When we read “The Curve of Binding Energy” I felt that Ted Taylor’s accomplishments were the perfect examples of passion. He held crazy ideas such as Project Orion and wouldn’t give up, he had a passion for science and that’s why he could succeed in a lot more.
The idea of passion is so invigorating even the word alone screams intensity. I believe so much in passion. Passion could be found in sports, life, love, or even your job. I feel that if you have passion for something, you won’t give up on it. Passion doesn’t leave you, it grows with you and I believe that having this intensity in something will let you grow more.